A Double Dress for Doobie
It is that time of year again and our gorgeous number 2 daughter Amber "Do" has come to a major turning point in her life – she has finished year 12 along with many of her beautiful friends. Norm and I are so extremely proud of her and wish her lots of love, luck and happiness in her next venture in her wonderful life.
We had a slight disaster at the year 12 formal – being so organised I insisted on going down to Orange the day before the formal and final speech day – leaving Norm at the farm to bring Daisy, Grannie, Ian and Noo and Pop. I had a wonderful afternoon with Amber, Maggie, Will and some of Amber’s friends – we made sure the fake tan was not orange, went to the movies and out to dinner with a few celebratory beverages with Annie Hickman to finish the night.
The next day was all "bells and whistles" and lots of fun – hair appointments, final morning tea for year 12 students & parents and the end of school speech day. The speech day always makes me cry with all those amazing students who are acknowledged for their hard work, effort and amazing academic results.
Then off on a whirlwind for hair & make up so the girls are ready for the photos at 5.30pm. At 5.15pm I thought perhaps Amber should get her dress on with Lucy Hickman so we could drop them at photos before the formal commenced at 6pm. At 5.20pm Norm asked me to get Amber’s formal dress to which I replied "it’s in the room behind the door where she and Lucy are dressing". I went and checked anyway … and as Amber undid the suit bag … voilà … We had Maggies year 10 formal dress!
Slight problem, lots of tears and dark clouds floating around, and a few choice words aimed at the mother of the year who had insisted on leaving a day early to be organised!! Amber bless her little heart held back the biggest tears that were rolling down her cheeks – the make up!! And wore Maggie’s dress to the photos whilst I made an emergency phone call to our next door neighbours/dear friends/cousin of Norm's – Kim and Bryan Kiss – who in a massive storm drove to our house and found Amber's dress! The pressure to grab the right one in a hurry with only phone instructions on where it could possibly be located!
They then drove nearly to Molong – 1 hours drive in the farm ute to meet Norm. In the mean time I went to the formal and had to ask the organisers to rearrange the order of presentation – so the whole of Amber’s house “Gordon” had to go last and Amber then had to go at the very end of Gordon. I had the security guards on alert for Norm’s arrival and Amber was rushed into the security office to change and Norm raced to the house to dress in his Black tie to get back just in the nick of time to present Amber to our wonderful principle Mr Brian Kennelly…..ahhhh it was a very tense few hours but it all worked out in the end. We were then able to relax and enjoy Amber’s celebratory night – a fun night full of laughs and giggles. Stunning Amber is pictured below with Pop (my Dad) and Grannie (Norm's Mum).
I am not sure I can ever thank Kim Kiss enough for her emergency trip to save the day – and I guess Amber has now set a new trend for year 12 formals – of 2 dresses - one for the photos and one for the actual formal!!!! Bless you Doobie we love you to the moon and back xxx
Until next time – stay safe and happy

Never a dull moment Pippy…
At the end of all that, a beautiful night was had…
Congratulations Amber